
/ /电子学习解决方案

最新消息 & 电子学习的趋势, learning management system (LMS), online learning and elearning course development, plus expert 建议 on how to develop lms and elearning courses.

5 Real Benefits of Integrating 电子学习解决方案 with Your Business

By | 2016年9月27日|电子学习解决方案|

澳大利亚n businesses are increasingly starting to replace their traditional staff training methods with online courses. If you’re used to conducting all your trainings face-to-face and are unsure of how learning from a screen can actually work, you’re probably wondering what the big deal is all about. While there are pros and cons to both training methods, with this post we hope to show you why some of the benefits of integrating eLearning solutions with your business processes are very real.

Transform your Learning Procedures with Revolutionised eLearning Technologies

By | 2016年7月25日|电子学习解决方案|

Elearning has changed and evolved a lot since its conception in the early nineties. It is rapidly becoming popular both academically as well as at the corporate level with many schools and business enterprises choosing these learning methods over other methods to educate their pupils as well as employees respectively. 结果是, many new technologies and gadgets have been introduced to elevate the learning skills of its users and make them enjoy their learning experience.

在线培训趋势 to Watch Out for in the Coming Year

By | 2015年12月9日|电子学习解决方案|

Online learning continues to evolve and change, especially with the rapid emergence of powerful intelligent technologies and tools. New developments continue to expand the possibilities of online training, helping to improve the effectiveness of eLearning. 随着新的发展, online learning becomes more engaging and learners have an improved chance of success. While some trends fizzle

The Importance of Aims and Objectives in eLearning Course Development

By | 2015年11月23日|电子学习解决方案|

Before writing aims and objectives, we need to first clearly distinguish between the two. What are they and why are they critical in eLearning course development?

History of Learning Management System (LMS)

By | 2015年7月15日|电子学习解决方案|

Online learning has become more popular today, and Learning Management System (LMS) 帮助管理, 文档, 报告, deliver and track online training programs and education courses. Elearning includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, 图片, 动画, 还有热气腾腾的视频, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, 卫星电视, 光盘, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning.

Secrets of a Successful Instructional Designer

By | 2015年7月11日|电子学习解决方案|

Secrets of a successful instructional designer - These 5 secrets of a successful instructional designer will help you succeed at elearning course development.
